
About KaelMijoy

Where did the name "KaelMijoy" come from?
When I was trying to come up with a creative name for my polymer clay business, I really wanted something that really didn't mean anything. My style and interests change often so I didn't want to have to change my name every time I changed media. I also wanted my kids' names to be part of the name as most of what I do is for them and much of who I am is because of them. So this is what I came up with: KA is for Kjerstin Anne (my oldest), EL is for Emmily Lucinda and Eli (the next two), MI is for Miriam (my fourth), JO is for Josie (#5), and (JO)Y is for Sarah Joy (my baby). So there you go- I'll be in trouble if we decide to have another child. I guess I'll just have to make sure some of those letters are in his/her name...

KaelMijoy Blog Schedule

As per the advice of several successful veteran bloggers, I decided that I need to set up a schedule for my blog to make it easier to decide what to blog about each day.  While I don't blog every day, I am trying to blog at least 3-4 times per week and include lots of variety.

That said, here is my schedule:

Monday --  Recipe of the Week- Over the last couple of years, I have developed a yearly menu to eliminate that annoying question, "What's for dinner?"  It's complete with shopping lists and recipes.  It's taken a lot of work and the recipes keep changing but it has been a wonderful resource for me.  All of the recipes I share here are from that menu.

Tuesday -- Tutorial/How To- One of the things I always wanted to be when I grew up was a teacher.  I've been able to live that dream in so many ways.  I taught children's ceramic painting when I was in college, I've homeschooled my kids for the last 9 years, I taught a few classes in our homeschooling co-op, and I've taught various children's classes at our church.  Now I'm sharing my teaching skills with you.  Hopefully, you can learn something from me...

Wednesday -- What I've Been Working On- I started this blog to promote my artwork in my Etsy and Artfire shops.  I had no idea how much fun I would have with it.  I seldom promote my shops here but I do try to share pics of some of the projects I've been working on occasionally.

Thursday -- Education Day- For me, education never ends.  I learn so much homeschooling my kids- not to mention all of the things I have taught myself simply because I wanted to learn them.  Thursday is reserved for my thoughts and comments on homeschooling, stuff I've learned, favorite quotes, etc.

Friday -- Finds- This is the day I try to share fun stuff I have found on Etsy and Artfire that was created by other artists.  It's great fun to share the love!

Saturday -- Anything Goes- I seldom have time to blog on Saturday so I usually post-date a post to post on Saturday.   (Is that confusing enough for ya?)  This is where random comments, thoughts, and experiences go.

Sunday -- Spiritual Thought- I don't mention it real often but I am a strong member of the LDS (Mormon) church.  It's hard for me to share my beliefs on here for fear of being misunderstood or worse.  But occasionally there's something I really want to share in that area...
